Economy Person gates

From $0.00
Includes $0.00 GST

High quality lighter to medium weight person access gates.

mw Mid-weight
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800mm Wide person access gate only. 40x40x1.6mm & 50mm Tube construction (PG40) & 59x30x1.6mm & 50mm Tube construction (PG59). Drop bolt latch on the gate. Person sized access only.

  • For use when a man gate full panel is not required
  • Drop bolt latch system

  • Galvanised tube with zinc painted welds.

Shipping and delivery is available via our extensive dealer network and will be arranged to your closest and preferred Bordin Bros dealer when using our Click & Collect function. Should no dealer be available, Bordin Bros will contact you to work out the quickest and easiest way to have your item delivered.

All Bordin Bros products are covered by our 12 month, from the date of purchase, manufacturer’s warranty that should any defect caused by faulty workmanship or manufacturing and material occur. We do also look at each warranty claim on a case-by-case basis should a defect occur outside of this 12 month warranty period. If outside of this period an issue arises due to a manufacturing fault or faulty material, and in the opnion of Bordin Bros the fault should never have occurred, we will replace or repair as part of our normal warranty arrangements. A copy of our warranty policy is attached…… [TBC]

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